malingering gossip and rumor-mongering may not be judged by Senators McCarthy et ux as evidence that the malingerer himself is guilty under Items 1 and 4, although under sane and sober requirements of the normal community he' certainly would be.

In short, every item in the new standards can be used to hound and harry not only every homosexual in government and in basic industry, but all his friends, acquaintances, and associates, be they homosexual, homosexually inclined, bi-sexual, or heterosexual. Further, every name breathed as fact or as rumor, whether they be National Security employees or not, goes into the National Security files for cross-referencing to Armed Services Files and the local records of the Communities in which they live, towards another day of total mobilization, or a National Registration Act, whichever is first.

For the homosexual, to be loyal is not enough. The homosexual is required to be 100% anti-homosexual as well. He must agree, by taking a loyalty oath, to subvert the Constitution of the United States (which is not his to subvert) and testify against himself. Then, as a homosexual, he must testify against his own decency and integrity thereby making possible acts of aggression against every person he has ever known. Then, having destroyed himself as a person not only to the community but to his own conscience, he is to be tossed aside as a basic security risk by one or all of the five standards of the Security Program.

The homosexual's life is no longer a private matter to himself. It has become political by Presidential order. If the homosexual, despite this Presidential statement, which is policy BUT NOT LAW, believes that to maintain his personal life and morality is in keeping with his integrity as a devoted American then he must become himself another volunteer guardian of the inviolability of the Constitution's Fifth Amendment in the full understanding that Civil Privilege must be the property of everyone.



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